Working with Cultural Diversity in the Therapeutic Setting

Hours: 6 

Course Access: 1 Year

This 6 hour workshop provides a foundational understanding of the influence of race, culture, class, ethnicity, immigration, sexual orientation and gender in the assessment and treatment processes of psychotherapeutic interventions.

Part 1 covers introductory knowledge to understand the language of inclusion and anti-racism.  If you’re confident in that knowledge, you can skip to Part 2, which goes deeper.

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Main learning ideas include:

  • From a systemic models perspective, participants will explore the role of culture and its intersections with other human identifiers.
  • The consciousness of ethnic identity will be explored with different cultural groups and how the immigration trajectory impacts the family system.
  • The workshop will question the American – European ethnocentrism in the literature and in society and its effect upon the self-perception of those from groups other than those.
  • Health and wellness will be reviewed through the exploration of ethnicity, gender and life cycle development, couple and family violence through the migration process and acculturation, with a focus on specific outcomes in cultural groups, as well as the importance of intersectionality.
  • The workshop will also address specialized clinical methods in areas, such as: Use of culture brokers and interpreters, research and interdisciplinary agendas, and the application of research methodology.
  • For future reference, participants will be encouraged to use any issues in the daily news to help explore and illustrate concepts addressed in the workshop.

About the presenter:

Dr. Myrna Lashley holds a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from McGill university. She was an Associate dean at John Abbott College She is also an associate professor in the department of psychiatry of McGill University as well as a researcher and project leader at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research of the Jewish General Hospital.

She is an internationally recognized clinical, teaching and, research authority in cultural psychology, and serves as an expert psychological consultant to institutions, including the juvenile justice system. She is also the Chair of the First-Line Psychosocial Science Committee of the Clinical Ethics Committee of CIUSS de centre-ouest-de-l’ile-de-Montréal.

She has worked both as a consultant to First Nations and the Jewish communities, and as the Cross-Cultural Trainer for the Grievance Committee office of the secretariat for McGill University. She has also conducted training workshops locally, nationally, and internationally and has acted as a consultant to the Brazilian health care system.

She was a director of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and has also served on the Comité consultatif sur les relations Interculturelles et Interraciales de la Communauté Urbaine de Montréal. From 2008 to 2017 she was the Chair of the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security. She was the Vice-chair of the board of the École Nationale de Police du Québec from 2004 – 2017. As well as conducting research on police matters, she has also been appointed to the Comité expert en matière de profilage racial of the Service de ploice de la Ville de Montréal and to the Comité-conseil sur l’organisation d’une consultation sur le racisme et la discrimination systémique. In addition to academic publications, she has also authored two training manuals on intercultural issues in the workplace and co-authored a chapter in the book Encountering the Other.

She has received several awards including the 2015 Woman of Merit Award from the Playmas Montreal Cultural Association; the Queen Elizabeth II 2012 Diamond Jubilee award; 2006 Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Award for Holocaust studies; the 2004 Martin Luther King legacy award; as well as the 1995 Merit Award for the Kanawake Native survival school. Her current research focuses on the intersections of culture, terrorism, and national security. She is currently Barbados’s Honorary Consul to Montreal.