Parenting Youth With ADHD

We recently held another Matters of the Mind public presentation

These presentations are free online events for the public that are focused on mental health topics that are relevant to the people of BC. We are looking to contribute to the wellness of all British Columbians by fostering community connection, breaking stigma, and providing empowering information to help people through complexity.

Parenting Youth With ADHD: Social Emotional and Regulation Strategies

Youth with ADHD often become dysregulated during times of change and/or when things don’t go their way.

In order to support your child, it is helpful for them to build their social emotional and regulation skills so that they can manage their feelings and behaviours in this difficult moment.

Join Mary Klovance B.A., B.Ed., M.A, R.C.C. to learn more about how you can foster these important skills within your child.

In this webinar we discussed the following:

  • Building Resilience
  • Social Emotional Skills
  • Building Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy
  • Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation Strategies at home and at school


About the Presenter:

Mary Klovance has been working as both a middle and high school counsellor in SD 61 since 2012 and recently opened her own private practice in 2020.

Previously, she worked as a crisis intervention counsellor for the Youth Empowerment society at both their youth detox and youth shelter where she spent more than six years working with youth at risk. Mary has ADHD and now specialized in supporting parents of youth with challenging behaviours, ADHD, ODD and addictions. She also works with youth and provides family counselling. She is passionate about helping people make informed choices in order to be their best selves. She also believes in the power of collaboration, especially when it comes to fostering resilience in the lives of young people. Mary’s motto is: “Invests in the person, not the outcome” and believes that mental health should be looked at through a holistic lens.

Check out her website:

We invite you to watch the presentation at your leisure below.

When will the next Matters of the Mind event take place, and how can I register?

Matters of the Mind presentations will be taking place throughout the year and offered virtually.

Be the first to know about the next session!
