I might be wrong about this, but I think some of the regions have been interested in zoom cafes and held them, but I don’t think our region has had any. I do think there have been some lunch hour get togethers, but I haven’t attended them.
I looked at your website and it looks great. The counselling is hard to find, but I can see how expanding it on your current website would work really well. That is what I did because I also already had a business when I became an RCC. I was a family law mediator and I added counselling to my mediation website and with time I dropped the mediation and just kept the counselling. this is why my counselling business is called Conflict Options. When starting out there are so many options for training and I think the answer to your question about the best training really depends on the direction the counsellor is hoping to take in their business. I really liked the training that Jose did for BCACC on the financial aspects of a counselling practice. It was low cost and very informative and Jose presents in a way that is enjoyable to listen to. You can find that training on the BCACC e-connect. I think you have a real niche market given your background and specialty with birth and babies. I have some ideas I’d be willing to share about what direction you might want to take in getting your counselling practice off the ground. If you want to meet up for a coffee chat to talk more about training and directions send me an email at tammy@conflictoptions.com