The Trait of High Sensitivity (Dr. Elaine Aron)

  • The Trait of High Sensitivity (Dr. Elaine Aron)

    Posted by Tara Hope on February 23, 2023 at 12:13 pm

    Hi everyone. I’ve been working as a counsellor since 2013, first as a school counsellor, then in private practice then with an EFAP agency, now back to private practice. I will likely remain in private practice until I retire as I have much more autonomy regarding who I work with and how I work. I’m 55 but only recently discovered the work of Dr. Elaine Aron (research psychologist, psychotherapist, and author) which describes my lived experience to a “tee”. I wish I had known about this trait a long time ago rather than pathologizing my sensitivity. As an HSP and counsellor, I am different from the majority – not better, not worse, just different. Understanding this has been very helpful for me, both as a clinician and as a human! If you’re curious at all, Dr. Aron’s website has no-strings-attached assessment tools Are You Highly Sensitive? – The Highly Sensitive Person ( If you think you are a highly sensitive person and are interested in forming a little group for peer support, please feel free to message me via email or text me 250-218-5846. I always knew I was different in the many, many team meetings I participated in over the last 10 years but I figured it was “just anxiety”. Nope. Not at all. How liberating this has been.

    Best to you all, highly sensitive or not! 💞

    Tara Hope replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Santina Mozgiel

    May 5, 2023 at 12:44 pm

    Just curious but what are you thoughts about the fact that HSP is not in the DSM? What do you think is the difference between HSP and ADHD or SPD or ASD?

    • Tara Hope

      March 27, 2024 at 1:18 pm

      Hi Santina,

      Since I posted I have taken a deep-dive into all things ADHD, having received a late-in-life diagnosis myself. There is some overlap but it is unclear if the HSP traits emerge as a result of the underlying ADHD. I wonder if any studies have investigated this. Thank you for weighing in!

      🙂 Tara

      • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by  Tara Hope.

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